Instagram Token Agent

Welcome to the token agent application. You're reading this message because you need to finish configuring your agent.

You will need

  • A Facebook Developer account
  • An Instagram account
  • A Heroku account to host the agent. You probably have this already if you're reading this message!

Setting up

  1. Log into your Facebook account at
  2. Create an app in your App Dashboard, as shown in this tutorial.
  3. Log into your Heroku Console.
  4. Go to your new application's settings page.
  5. Under configuration values:
    • ❌ Set an environment value STARTING_TOKEN_ with the token value from Facebook in step 2.
    • ✅ Change ALLOWED_DOMAINS to the domain where you'll display your Instagram content. Separate multiple domains with spaces.
    • ❌ There was an error refreshing the latest token. The response from Instagram is shown below:
        "zenjoybv": {
          "error": {
            "message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired on Tuesday, 28-Jan-25 01:14:11 PST. The current time is Tuesday, 28-Jan-25 05:54:27 PST.",
            "type": "OAuthException",
            "code": 190,
            "fbtrace_id": "AY9LxHaqJD_kMNBNVAzSgf-"
        "praktijkperspectief": {
          "error": {
            "message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired on Tuesday, 28-Jan-25 01:14:10 PST. The current time is Tuesday, 28-Jan-25 05:54:28 PST.",
            "type": "OAuthException",
            "code": 190,
            "fbtrace_id": "A6QikhiWw1BaI6XGroP4mtw"
  6. Click save to apply the setting and restart your app.
  7. Reload this page to see a success message!

You can see these instructions at any time by visiting /setup .

Made with ❤️ by Zenjoy · Forked from Companion